Thomas Binford Winston


Father: Dr. John Shelton Winston, Jr. born


Mother: Louisa Ann Watkins born


21 Jan 1822 Dr. John Shelton Winston married Louisa Ann Watkins of Goochland Co at Greenbrier Co, Virginia


17 Dec., 1823 Dr. John Shelton Winston becomes postmaster of Watkinsville, Goochland Co., Virginia, taking over from brother-in-law Edwin Watkins


7 Dec. 1824, Robert B. Shelton postmaster of Watkinsville


John Shelton posted surety for John Shelton Winston's purchase of Watkinsville tract, Goochland Co., Virginia


10 Feb., 1827 Thomas Binford Winston born in Goochland Co., Virginia


18 Mar., 1828 John Shelton Winston Postmaster of Watkinsville
1828 John Shelton Winston Shot (not killed) in Duel with Frank Montario


1832 Debt Sale of John Shelton Winston's grandfathers property, sold to reimburse debts to estate


25th June 1835 Louisa Ann Watkins died in childbirth of Louisa Winston
	leaving 5 children
        children are raised by maternal grandparents, Watkins family
24 Aug., 1835 Maria Louisa Nelson born Morning Sun, Tennessee


Mexican American War

1 December 1846, enlisted at Fort Monroe, Virginia

xxx weeks Training then sailed from Fort Monroe, Virginia to Point Isabel, Texas


From Pension Application:
"I served on the northern line of Mexico under Generals Zachary Taylor & Wool. Our regiment first landed
at Point Isabel, Texas.
Thence we went to Camargo and on account of being cut off from Buena Vista we remained at Camargo
guarding commisaries and erecting fortifications for some time thence went to Monterey and Buena
Vista and remained at Buena Vista until the close of the war."
Mexican American War
23 Feb., 1847 Battle of Buena Vista, Zachary Taylor (7000) vs. Santa Anna (20000)
 3 Mar., 1847 Wagon Convey ambushed between Monterey and Camargo
28 Mar., 1847 Taylor in Monterey.
31 Mar., 1847 News of battle reaches Baltimore
14 Apr., 1847 1st Kentucky leaves
April Replacement regiments: Massachusetts, Virginia, N. Carolina, Mississippi
       Virginia regiment sent to Gen. Wool at Saltillo to guard supplies.
 9 May , 1847 1st Mississippi, 1st Ohio, 2nd Indiania, 2nd Illinois gone (13 regiments total)

War Front moves to Gen. Scotts advance on Mexico City

Maria Louisa Nelson and parents move to Chambersburg, Clark Co, Missouri


2 Feb., 1848, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends war

March from Buena Vista to Camargo.
Boat down Rio Grand to Point Isabel
Sail or Sidewheel steamship from Point Isabel, Texas to Virginia
2 August, 1848 Honorable Discharge at Fort Monroe, Virginia

19 Aug, 1848 “New York Herald” printed an item about the discovery of gold in California.

21 Aug, 1848, signs over 160 acre bounty land grant to Isrel Brothers, Richmond, Virginia

Met/friends with Lew Wallace (1827-1905) . Military Service

Gold Rush

18 Dec, 1848 a T.B. Winston Sails from New Orleans to Chagres, Panama, on the mail steamer Fulton

Steamer Fulton


17 Jan 1849 Steamship "California" arrives Panama City with Captain Cleveland Forbes, met by 1500 Americans (room for 200 with 100 Peruvians already aboard)
Steamer California
31 Jan 1849 Steamship "California" departs Panama City with General Persifor F. Smith (He is to be the military governor of California) and 365 passengers
28 Feb., 1849, Steamship "California" arrives in S.F.
12 Mar. 1849 Steamship "Oregon" departs Panama City
31 Mar., 1849 Steamship "Oregon: arrives in S.F. with 350 passenges, Col. John W. Geary (postmaster)
Third ship "Panama" also starts runs

March 1849 travels of Jonas Spect

22 June 1849, Advertisment page 2 of Alta California for J. Spect & Co.
         repeated on July 12th

2 July 1849 Thomas B. Winston granted 4 lots (#631, #632, #649 and #650) from Alcalda Leavenworth on petition from the 50 Vara Survey (page 52) The Fifty vara (1 vara = 33.3 inches) survey is that part of the city lying between Market and Larkin streets and the bay. These lots were listed for sale at $200 each. The property was the middle and west of block bounded by Sacramento, California, Taylor, and Mason. Currently Cushman street runs through the center of the block. The Assessor-Recorder's office considers this block 0245 lot 002

San Francisco Property
This is currently the site of Huntington Park. Modern Panorama
San Francisco Mansions Huntington,Flood, & Crocker Mansions pre 1906
16 July 1849 T. B. Winston forms partnership with Jonas Spect for
	promotion and sale of land in Fremont, CA at junction of Sacramento and Feather rivers

18 July 1849 T. B. Winston on jury for Hounds trial in San Francisco

19 July 1849, Advertisement page 2 of Alta California for Spect and Winston
        ad dated 16 July,   repeated on July 26 and Aug. 2

1st August 1849 T.B. Winston elected Town Council of San Francisco

6th August 1849 San Francisco Town Council Convenes

23 Aug., 1849 T. B. Winston helped form San Francisco Chamber of Commerce (Alta California page 2)
6 Sept. 1849, No J. Spect Ad in Alta California paper
William McD. Howard, agent for Mellus, Howard, and Co. offers $150,000 gold for Fremont town-site
Oct. 1849 Fremont population around 3000
November 1849 Winston-Spect partnership dissolved

6 Nov, 1849 More than 12 inches of rain fell tonight. (S.F.)
15 Dec, 1849 State legislature, Senator Jonas Spect and M.G. Vallejo for Sonoma District
24 Dec, 1849 6AM First Great San Francisco Fire Nov 1849 -Jan 1850, heavy floods open wash away sandbar and open Feather River for ship travel to Marysville

1849 Nelson purchased "Locust Lawn" in Chambersburg, MO from Conway
Locust Lawn


8 Jan., 1850 New Council elected in S.F.
10 Jan., 1850 New Council Starts, no Winston

18 Feb., 1850 Fremont becomes county seat of Yolo county
4 May, 1850 4AM Second Great San Francisco Fire
14 June, 1850 Third Great San Francisco Fire
15 Aug., 1850 Squatters Riots in Sacramento City

1 Sept. 1850 first San Francisco city directory

Return from California

Thomas B. Winston returned from California overland. Supposed to have left name on Independence Rock in central Wyoming.

Thomas B. Winston lived 1850-1853 in Tennessee


Most of Nelson family dies in Missouri, Maria Louisa Nelson moves back to Tennessee


9 Dec., 1852 a T. B. Winston is honorary Pall Bearer in New Orleans (Likely to be Thomas Benjamin Winston)


1 Nov., 1853 Thomas B. Winston married Maria Louisa Nelson in Morning Sun, Tennessee.


Moved to "Locust Lawn", Nelson property in Clark Co. Missouri

Civil War


April 1861 Six Southern States secede

13, April 1861, Four more secede

26 November 1861 Sterling Price calls for volunteers in Missouri
December 1861, Price Camped at Osceola, Missouri


21 Jan. 1862 Thomas B. Winston commissioned Captain Company D, Second Division, 5th Calvary Battalion

------------- General Sterling Price's ----------------
-- Patriot Army of Missouri aka Missouri State Guard --
	Formed May 11, 1861
First Commander: Major General Sterling Price
Second Commander: Brigadier General Mosby Monroe Parsons
Second Commander: Brigadier General James S. Rains


-- Second Division --

First Commander: Brigadier General Thomas Beverly Randolph

Second Commander: Brigadier General Thomas Alexander Harris 1861 to 27 Sept 1861 (1862)

Third Commander: Brigadier General Martin Edwin Green

Fourth Commander: Colonel Joseph Chrisman Porter

2nd Division Officers 1861-1862 .... Division Staff

5th Cavalry Battalion, Lt. Col. John W. Priest

Missouri 2nd Division, Company A History
21 Feb. 1862 Price moves into Arkansas
6 Mar. 1862 Battle of Pea Ridge/Elkhorm Tavern Arkansas with General Price's Report (Major Confederate Loss)
6 Apr. 1862 Missed Battle of Shiloh
Camped around Reinzi, Mississippi
3 May 1862, Farmington, Mississippi
1 July 1862, Near Boonesville, Mississippi
30 August 1862 Bolivar, Tennessee
14 Sept. 1862, Iuka, Mississippi
28 Sept. 1862, Ripley, Mississippi
1 Oct. 1862, Pocahontas, Mississippi
3 Oct. 1862 Battle of Corinth, Mississippi


At Chambersburg during Jun 1863

After the War


6 April, 1864 Louisa Watkins Winston born at Chambersburg, Clark Co., Missouri



At Chambersburg during Jan 1866

20 Oct. 1866 Sadie Winston born at Chambersburg, Clark Co., Missouri



16 May, 1913 Died in Chambersburg, Clark Co., Missouri